YouthLine Latest News

We post regular updates about the HelpLine, hiring, advocacy, fundraising, and more. You can also follow us on Instagram @LGBTYouthLine to stay current.


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Help Us Reach Our Fundraising Goal!

As we continue to celebrate our 30th anniversary, we want to share an update on […]
Events & Campaigns

Dialing In: 30 Years of 2SLGBTQ+ Activism

Join team members and supporters, past and present, in an intergenerational celebration of YouthLine’s 30 years, and a reflection on the history of queer activism in Toronto.
Events & Campaigns
Youth Organize

Join us for the Coming Home Anthology launch party!

Coming Home: An Anthology is a collection of multimedia written and visual art by 2SLGBTQ+ youth in Peel and Halton. Join us to celebrate the launch and the contributors!
Reports & Statements

Read Our Latest Annual Report!

We’re thrilled to share with you that our annual report has been released, showcasing the incredible impact your support has made possible.

Youth Voices Will Prevail: A Statement by YouthLine, It Gets Better and CCGSD

LGBT YouthLine, It Gets Better and The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity (CCGSD) are joining forces to amplify youth voices and combat the rise of anti-trans and anti-2SLGBTQ+ hate making its way across Canada.

Open Letter to the Minister of Education

Our team recently learned about Minister Lecce's comments suggesting that school boards should disclose the […]

Update on donation from Great Canadian Entertainment

In the last couple of days, a story has been circulating in the news about a large donation to LGBT YouthLine.
Events & Campaigns

LGBT YouthLine present “Quinn”

LGBT YouthLine is proud to invite you to join Quinn Lumsden themself, and their partner and spouse Skylar Todd, to discuss some of the themes explored in the film – such as the best ways their family supported them, what resources are available to families with trans loved ones, how amazing it is to explore gender, and the importance of being true to yourself.
Organizational Updates

HelpLine Closure Update

We are planning on taking a step back from phone services in order to focus our attention on providing high-quality support using the mediums that are most accessible to our service users and volunteers.
Organizational Updates

Leadership Update

The Board of Directors would like to reiterate our appreciation for the support our community has continued to show us as we work to support 2SLGBTQ+ youth across Ontario. We also want to share a leadership and staffing update with our community.

Learning, Grounding, Growing: Practical Tools for 2SLGBTQ+ Youth

In late 2021 / early 2022, we hosted four skills-based, mental health workshop series to teach 2SLGBTQ+ practical tools to support themselves and their peers.
Community Engagement

Collaborative Visioning Session with QTBIPOC sauga!

We’re excited to be co-hosting a virtual Collaborative Visioning Session with @qtbipocsauga on Monday, August 29th from 6-9pm EST for 2SLGBTQ+ Youth in Peel and Halton!
Organizational Updates

Welcome Philip Wong as Interim Executive Director!

We are thrilled to welcome back Philip Wong (he/him) to LGBT YouthLine as the Interim Executive Director, effective August 4, 2022.
Reports & Statements

Public Statement: Update regarding Volpe v. Wong-Tam

On May 26, 2022, Justice Glustein made the important and necessary decision to dismiss the charges against the defendants in the case of Volpe v. Wong-Tam.

June is Indigenous History Month: Where to Give

In honour of Indigenous History Month, we have compiled a list of groups doing affirming, transformative work in support of 2SLGBTQ+ Indigenous young people across Ontario.