Online Resources

Find information on different topics to read at your own pace. This is a great place to learn about 2SLGBTQ+ Identities, Coming Out, Self-Care, Health & wellness and more. Looking for in-person/virtual referrals?


Here you will find information on different topics that come up for us when we’re working on the HelpLine. If you want to learn more, this is a great place to start.

All Online Resources

Mental Health

DBT Tools

This website is comprised of interactive tabs that allow you to explore different tools useful for navigating emotions, boundaries, mindfulness practices, and distress tolerance.
2SLGBTQ+ Identities
For Families/Friends

Dealing With Being Different

BlackCAP resource for black LGBTQ+ youth and their parents.
Legal/Human Rights

Disabilities and Rental Housing

Website that covers renter's rights including the rights disabled renters can exercise when renting.

Disability Justice Network of Ontario

DJNO works to creating a world where people with disabilities are free to be. They have ongiong education, prison, long-term care, and transit projects.
Sex & Sexual Health

Disabled Sex Yes!

Tips for disabled folks navigating sex and intimacy.
Mental Health

Disclosing to Others

This resource talk about disclosing a mental health illness to loved ones, friends, or workplaces. It walks through helpful steps to disclosing, and offers reasons why or why not someone might disclose they have a mental illness.
Mental Health

Distraction Techniques and Alternative Coping Strategies

Distraction techniques sorted by emotion

DIY Doula: Self-Care for Before, During, and After Care for Abortion

Guide on how to prepare emotionally and logistically for an abortion. US-based, but includes trans contributers
Harm Reduction
Sex Work

Dope Guide: Sex work, drugs, and alcohol

A non-judgemental harm-reduction guide on drug usage for and by sex workers. Has info on overdose, pregnancy, the law, and reducing/quitting use, and more.
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